Azure Document Db is a Document based No SQL database.

Azure DocumentDB is schema-free and combines rich and familiar SQL query capabilities with consistent low latencies on JSON-based data models, targeting solutions for web, mobile, gaming, and IoT.

Since DocumentDB is schema agnostic, it makes it extremely easy to adjust and adapt data models on the fly as business logic and application scenarios change.

With DocumentDB you no longer have to deploy constant updates to the data-tier and worry about managing schema and relationships.

All content in DocumentDB is automatically indexed, which makes it possible to query data across entire structures at any time.

The term “NoSQL” is more of a marketing buzzword, and actual means “no requirement for entity relationships and secondary indexing” in order to query information.

Since DocumentDB is a JSON-based storage mechanism, accessing and interacting with data can be accomplished through most standards-based interfaces, as well as robust toolsets and SDKs


The DocumentDB Data Model


Terminologies related to DocumentDB

A database is a logical container of document storage partitioned across collections. It is also a users container.


The logical namespace for scoping permissions.


An authorization token associated with a user for access to a specific resource.


A collection is a container of JSON documents and the associated JavaScript application logic.

Stored Procedure

Application logic written in JavaScript which is registered with a collection and transactionally executed within the database engine.


Application logic written in JavaScript executed before or after either an insert, replace or delete operation.


Application logic written in JavaScript. UDFs enable you to model a custom query operator and thereby extend the core DocumentDB query language.


Arbitrary user-defined JSON content. By default, no schema needs to be defined nor do secondary indices need to be provided for all the documents added to a collection.